Thursday, September 16, 2010

Well, what do YOU, think ? :)

"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend;  inside of a dog, it is just too dark to read"!
Groucho Marx


  1. I agree...I love curling up with a good book. (Plus, it doesn't have to be walked or fed, and it doesn't pee or poop!)

  2. Okay, Glenn, don't take this the wrong way, but there's something about that pup that reminds me of you, lol....

  3. Ha! That is one hilarious quote. I quite agree! (Not that I've been inside of any dogs lately, but one can assume.)


  4. I will pick a book over a dog any day :) Now, cats, on the other hand...

  5. Anxiously awaiting Ken Follet's newest as we speak. Looking at that picture, all I can think of is Alice, the housekeeper on the Brady Bunch, saying "pork chops and applesauce". Somebody please say they can understand that. LOL

  6. Groucho just knew how to say things. Funny. A good book is a wonderful companion. Love the picture too Glenn.

  7. Well I think this. 1). I like to read in bed with the pups all snuggled around me. Dogs and books go together well. One of my dogs also likes to *eat* books.

    2). Also, I had to read backward a little while to notice how well you write dialogue which is something of a gift because it is so difficult to capture other people's voices. I'm hooked.

  8. That used to be my favorite quote and I wrote it on everything....until I discovered the vast amount of people who 'didn't get it'.

    I must be hanging with the wrong crowd.

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