Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Thought from our Writers Guild Meeting Last Night

A fellow member of our writers guild was working on a "post" for his website and he shared this idea with me last night.  Thanks, Marvin, I will post a link to your article as soon as you get it posted but I couldn't wait.  I remember this as a youngster and now as an Old Codger it is more true today.  Please spent 4 minutes and watch this video by Red Skelton...Thanks, Glenn




  1. I adore Red Skelton and always have. This is the most moving thing I have ever seen on the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you for sharing.
    PS. where have you been..old boy..I wuz getting kinda worried about ya!!!

  2. So happy to see your comment today Glenn (and thank you, but sadly, I complain so much more than I should.) The Red clip made me smile, and think how lucky we are. How lucky! Hope your health is improving. You have been missed.

  3. Gosh that brings me back. I was so young when my grandparents sat in front of the old tube in anticipation of his show. That...and wrestling :) Things seemed so much simpler then, but I wonder if they really were.

  4. Ok, Glenn. I know you're still alive cuz I saw your comment to Annie ... so time to update us on how you're doing!
