Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wanna See What's Happening At or EAST TEXAS WRITERS GUILD

Instead of reposting my article here, right now, you can just click on link
and then Click on  the  (red)The Next Chapter April 2013 and you can read the "pdf" .  My article is on the second page.
(read the entire thing)
I hope to get back to writing stoies in the near future.  I haven't forgotten "all-ya'll",,, It's just been kinda crazy down this way..

Thanks, Glenn


  1. Hi Glenn!
    I'm sorry you weren't able to watch the video..I had trouble getting to run also. I had to click on the arrow in the middle, and then again on the arrow at the bottom. you might try that!
    Nice article you wrote in the East Texas Writer's Guild Newsletter. You're the President, no less! I'm Impressed!
    I decided to publish my work on Kindle through At my age, I don't have the time and patience to shop for an agent and submit to publisher after publisher--I'd probably end up with a pile of rejections slips. At least this way, I have the satisfaction of seeing my books on Kindle and knowing that some people are reading them. (I've sold about 60 so far. Luckily, I'm not relying on sales to support me! That's not to say I wouldn't be delighted if one of them took off and sold big someday!
    Check out my Author's Page, at and let me know what you think.


    Love it...that has been a central philosophy of my life for as long as I can remember and love that you are eloquently preachin' the good stuff from your presidential pulpit!

  3. I've missed you and I'm glad you haven't forgotten about us. Your article was spot on. I have a friend who has just managed to get published after trying for about a year. I had the privilege of reading her unpublished manuscript and it was absolutely terrific (mystery). What held hers back is that it wasn't about vampires or zombies, which was the thing at the time. If you want to check it out, it's Treadwell by Dana Wyzard.

  4. Hello again,
    Glad to see your success as far as your writing goes...did I scare you to death when I wrote the full account of my hubby's dying days...I now realize I should'nt have (spilled my guts) that way on my blog...I also realize he did'nt know what he was saying...he was scared and snowed on morphine and pain meds. Anyway, I have to find a way to move forward. Shopping therapy is out of the question and does'nt make anything better anyway...I'll figure it out tho. I wrote a post today after my spill into the cellar during one of those tornado days. I am determined to blog again, tho everything is much more complicated these days...later...glenda
