Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I knowww It is a day Early,,,,,,

No story today. To borrow a phrase from SGT. Joe Friday, “just the facts Ma’um, just the facts”.

Exactly three month ago today, yep count ‘em, on July 21, 2010 an event fell toward my favor. I was a “non-Winner” in a contest. Usually when I have been a non-Winner, I have not fared quite so fortunate. Unless you fell off the turnip truck last night, you have moseyed on over a time or two to “Middle Passages”. I don’t know how I first stumbled into such luck, but if you haven’t visited this site, you need to.

Don’t just go on my word, Go ahead Click on link and see for yourself.

I have two items to touch on, today. One is the prize that I won, “The Faith of a Writer”, by Joyce Carol Oates. You think you might have thought you have read all you need to know about writing, but this is information to supplement what genius you already have. (That was meant to be HaHa funnie). Page sixty three, second paragraph, first sentence is my favorite line.

The most important things I want to cover is my apology to Ms. Liza in that I haven’t thanked her publicly for this prize. My Daddy always said that “Egg on your face” ( for waiting so long to say “thank you” ) has no expiration date so Ms. Liza I thank you for bestowing this winning on me. The real prize is your daily posting.

Back to the book. To me, this was more of an inspirational book than textbook so I did not take “how to” notes for future reference. The book is in good condition, no major coffee stains and no pages missing.

Item number two: With Ms. Liza’s permission, I would like to offer this book to anyone who would like to read it. Just send me your address in comment, ( I will not publish, and I WILL delete for security reasons), and I will mail the book to you.

Thirdly, ( I know I only said I had two things to note ), but “ Thank You” to all you who drop by, even if you don’t say hello. The visits make for a more fun time.

you can still comment your "Where To" thoughts on previous post. publish comments sometime tomorrow..thanks


  1. Congratulations Glenn! What a fine award!!!!****

  2. Congrats! I'd be interested in what she has to say, but are you sure you want to part with it?

  3. Thank you Glen. You deserve the prize... I appreciate your kind words, not only today, but every time you comment on my blog. Guess what, I won a GC to Amazon recently, and I ordered that book for me! It will be delivered next week. Glad you liked it, and be my guest. Share the wealth. Maybe you could just suggest that the next reader pass it on when they are done too.


  4. How does one win when one is a non-winner? All around and either way, you deserve it.


  5. How sweet of you to pass the book on! I am swamped in reading for classes right now. But very sweet offer. and congrats on the non win ;).

  6. Nice prize!! Sounds very ineteresting!

  7. Congratulations Glenn. That's terrific!!! You deserve it.
