Thursday, January 7, 2010

RE-Posting Old Stories

A few folks have asked about the old stories that I deleted from the blog a few months ago.  I have been asked to consider reposting some of these stories.  Instead of putting them here and taking a chance on boring the universe, I have posted one, and will add others, on my "spill over" site, SERENDIPITOUS SURPLUS'.  If anyone would care to read them again, please feel free to "Jump To" that site.  Maybe some folks even missed reading them on the first time around.  I know this sounds like some kind of late night TV infomercial, but what the heck.  Those of you that have been here before have a pretty good idea of my thought processes.  Thanks, Glenn  Serendipitous Surplus'


  1. You know those late night infomercials always suck me it. Whatever they are sellin' I think I need. I wind up with a truck load of crap after every bout of insomnia!

  2. Hey I will definitely check out you new site.

    I deleted some of my post unintentionally. What was I you know a way that I can get them back....errrrrr I really thought I was putting them in a folder. Have a great day my friend......:-) Hugs

  3. I'll have to check it out. (while sitting here munching on goodies from my goodie bag!)

  4. I'll hop over there to re-read for sure, since I was one of the ones who nagged you into it!!! Another idea would have been to go ahead and re-publish them here but with a different posting whatever date you wanted in the past, and label it 'old stories that I deleted'. That way anyone could say 'oh, old stories that he deleted at one time. I think I'll click on that and make sure I've read them all'.
